Got my son a PS3 for Christmas, and while I'm very happy to be gaming on a system that, unlike our old, original XBox, looks great on my new LED TV, I was equally excited to use it for Netflix. I've got cable Internet that gives me, according to Bandwidth Place, an average speed of 18mbps down. I've set my Netflix to high quality streaming, and I'm having a couple issues. 1)Sometimes the video is blocky, then suddenly looks wonderful. Except for Deep Space 9, it looks like shit all the way around. :( I'm using the PS3's wireless to connect to my router, so I'm guessing this is the issue. I'm guessing it's time to get 25' of Cat 5 and get in the crawlspace....2) The audio is out of sync. This, to me, is the bigger complaint right now. It's all over the place too, sometimes it's REALLY off, and sometimes it's pretty close. THIS is what I meant in the title of this thread, is it something I'VE done? I have a new Samsung LED TV, and the picture is fantastic, but given the fact that it's thinner than the Kindle's profit margin, the audio sucks. I have a decent Sony home theater system that has an optical input, so I thought, no big deal, I'll connect an optical cable to my DirecTV HD receiver and I'll just run it all through that. QI'yaH! The lag is worse. So, I figured it's got to be that with the PS3 connected via HDMI, it's a speed issue, and probably the only way to get around it would be to drop some coin for an HDMI-based home theater.....sound right, or is there another way to do this?
Please help.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.