If your startup is making environmentally sound decisions Cheap Air Max Dynasty , going green should be an integral part of your marketing plan. Consumers are becoming more aware of green standards, and identifying your company as an environmentally friendly resource will enhance your image and, possibly Cheap Air Max Deluxe , your bottom line.
Recent studies have shown that more than three-quarters of American consumers are very concerned about the environment, and it is estimated that 30% of US adults qualify as green consumers. This trend is particularly evident in the rapid growth of startups focusing specifically on green consumers. These consumers are looking to reduce their own environmental footprint through easy choices -- purchasing organic foods, making small changes (lightbulbs Cheap Air Max Axis , etc.) -- anything that enhances their self-acknowledged concern for the environment. Given the choice between two similar options, a large portion of consumers will choose the company that is at least attempting to go green.
In terms of your marketing messages, green consumers tend to be doubtful about dramatic claims of environmental protection Cheap Air Max 96 , but are also pretty unsavvy in general about what it means to be green. Both of these tendencies can be to your advantage. Any moves your business makes to save energy will save the company money, but they can also be promoted and explained as environmentally sound to your potential market. Add a "gone green" page to your website that explains the measures you have taken and how they positively impact the environment.
Avoid developing entire marketing plans around your environmental consciousness. Even green consumers are driven by the classic marketing tools -- price, quality Cheap Air Max 93 , and convenience. But, given a choice between two products perceived to be otherwise equal, green consumers will choose the one that seems to be more inclined toward their environmentally aware self-image. Add a "green product" label where appropriate Cheap Air Max 360 , but maintain your marketing focus on the benefits and quality of your products.
Many metropolitan areas boast networking groups or trade associations focused on green businesses. Joining these groups will increase your marketing opportunities, as the other eco-friendly ventures will be excellent opportunities for cross-promotion. In addition, networking with members of these groups can help you find other cost-cutting measures that will also enhance your green image.
While increasing your customer base and protecting the environment are good reasons to adopt green business practices Cheap Air Max 2019 , the biggest benefit will be to your company's bottom line. Choosing to reduce waste will cut costs of removing the waste -- a significant break especially if your company produces any hazardous or toxic waste in your work processes. Even minor energy-saving alterations can save a surprising amount in utility costs each year, typically far more than the efforts cost in the first place. Many green policies will also have the beneficial result of improving the productivity and efficiency in your workplace. Using less paper means less filing and less storage, and digging through well-organized electronic files takes far less time than wading through reams of paper records.
Going green can enhance your marketing messages and improve your standing with green consumers. But more than that Cheap Air Max 2018 , making eco-friendly decisions for your company will ultimately benefit your profitability and overall productivity.The bathroom is perhaps the easiest and arguably the cheapest room in your house to give a makeover. With the simple addition of a few accessories it can be easy to make the old look new. By purchasing a few materials and using your creativity you'll be able to treat yourself to what is essentially a brand new bathroom. Here are a few suggestions for ideas to improve your bathroom.
1) Spend time choosing a suitable shower curtain as it is one of the largest sources of colour in your bathroom. Try not to pick out anything with a garish design as curtains with solid colours will work just fine.
2) Paint the walls of your bathoom to match at least one of the colours of the shower curtain. If the shower curtain is a solid colour then pick a complementary colour. Do bear in mind that lighter colours will make your bathroom appear a little larger. Don't be afraid to take your curtain to the paint shop so that you can compare it with available colours. Neutral shades of white or tan are usually safe bet for suitable wall colours. If you decide to choose patterned wallpaper instead of paint for the walls then make sure that you have a solid coloured shower curtain to avoid having too many patterns in a small space.
3) Add a new towel rack. It is common sense to place them in convenient locations such as by the bathtub and don't forget to have some place for your hand towels by the sink and the toilet. Make sure that all towel racks are of the same style.
4) Make sure that you hang towels that match the colour of the shower curtain. Don't use the exact same colour that you have painted the walls as this will look excessive. A nice extra touch could be taking some extra towels, rolling them up and placing them in a small basket placed on the floor in a convenient location. This is ideal if you tend to have guests over often.
5) Any rugs that you purchase should match the colour of the towels. You should use at least one rug in front of the bath tub. Placing rugs by the sink and toilet are optional, depending on the size of the bathroom.
6) Try adding some accessories as a final touch. Bathroom accessories such as tissue holders Cheap Air Max 2017 , toothbrush holders or a soap dispenser can really complete a bathroom so don't be too careful with your budget as you wont want any accessories to look ta