I work with PSP since a lot of year but the crop tool of the latest version of PSP is a catastrophe. I open an image and place some help lines. Then I select the crop tool. In this moment the image enlarges in all directions and the cropping frame is placed at the left side with 300x151 pixels but in the toolbar I get shown 100x100 pixels. The result of the enlargement is that my help lines have another position than before. The are useless now. Why does PSP 2018 enlarge the image? PSP didn't do that in older versions.After cropping the image I load another image and again select the crop toll. Now the cropping frame again is at the left side with 300x151 pixels.In older version the crop tool did remember size and position I used before. This was very helpful. Why does it no longer remember the old size and position?
Please help.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.